Friday, February 01, 2008

Students ministering to Students...

The students of ILE go every Thursday to one of the poorest areas of San Jose. In the following video I have tried to portray some of the realities of the area. Unfortunately, it is impossible to capture the sounds and smells. For a few hours every Thursday, I take a huge reality check. It is the reality of THOUSANDS of people around the world. I only get a small taste of it. But I'm reminded, this is why I'm here. When I get tired of memorizing vocabulary and can't get the verbs down, I remember La Carpio and the reason why I'm here, learning Spanish. Every word communicated with these kids serves a purpose. We are building kingdom relationships. Seeing these faces smile in the midst of the muck and mire makes everything worth it. Take 2 minutes to see some of what the Lord is doing here in San Jose. These are the faces of La Carpio, Costa Rica:


Anonymous said...

Well. That was a tear jerker! It IS a reality check. How awesome is that you have a regular opportunity for REAL hands-on ministry. Your calling is both a huge sacrifice and a huge blessing at the same time! I love and miss you cousin! God bless you!


Rhonda said...

LOVE IT!!! As you know, that's my favorite place to be, what an incredible opportunity the Lord has given us. Good job on the video!