Saturday, February 23, 2008


Sure did have fun with Felice! Her visit here was a much needed encouragement for me! NOT that I am having a hard time. No, its just nice to see a familiar face and a reminder of home. We had a good time of fellowship. I'll admit that it was hard to keep up with school and entertain. But I managed just fine. Had another test...still all A's! I'm pretty satisfied with that.

Now, I'm gonna sound a bit crazy on this next part. But I am becoming more and more obsessed with Colombia. Not in a psychopath type of way. Don't worry, your missionary hasn't fallen off the deep end yet. Actually, I take that back. I have fallen deep into my desire to live in Colombia. I crave it. I miss the people so very much. I know this is the Lord's doing. He never had to convince of my move to Colombia to begin with. He put the desire in my heart right from the start. But the other night I was asked some questions about Colombia. The basics you, why Colombia, stuff like that. The questions came from a co-student who is not a missionary. I found myself speaking of Colombia as if it were my home. My nationality. And I'm willing to give my life for it. The reality of it is that there are some dangers there. It isn't a light place to live. Yet every part of me wants to already be there yesterday! I teared up just a bit.

I'm going HOME! Not a home that I have ever known before. But its home because that's where the Lord has set up camp for me. Because I'm at home in Him and He has my home in Bogota. This may sound odd. But for a missionary kid, a sense of home is a miracle! I suppose that's enough for now. All I'll say is: VIVA COLOMBIA!!!


Anonymous said...

WOO-HOO!! I'm so excited for you, honey!! Love your video. Hope to talk to you soon!

Unknown said...

So good to meet your friend Felice! Glad you guys had an awesome time!

Jolene said...

love the video lol great song choice!!!!!