I'de like to take this blog opportunity to inform my readers of the current happenings in Colombia. Things seem to be taking a slight turn for the worse over there. Here's what The Independent has to say about the drug situation: "...the Colombian capital city, Bogota, that the "war on drugs" is seriously falling apart..." "...As a model recruit into the "war on drugs" his country has received $5.4bn under the so-called Plan Colombia from Washington for drug control..." "...Yet Colombia is estimated to be producing nearly 800 tons of cocaine every year and it has been an open secret for years that senior politicians and the armed forces are deeply mixed up in drug dealing and the right-wing death squads - coyly referred to as "paramilitaries" are also involved in the trade..." "...More than a dozen senators, congressmen and political insiders have been arrested. This month, two police generals were sacked...." because of how curropt the government is.
And now about the president: I won't quote the articles because they are entirely too long. However, president Uribe of Colombia has been under investigation for his political ties in his earlier days to the right-wing paramilitias who, along with various government officials, have been found guilty of taping phones and apartments of various national and international officials. Also in news...a hostage has escaped from one of the guarila camps, which has been quoted as having similar/worse conditions than the concentration camps of the holocost. Many prisoners have been kept in such camps for over a decade. Don't get me wrong, the camps are not NEARLY the size of those of the holocost, it is their conditions that are similar. They are comprised mostly of x-officials. Not civilians.
I hope that you will join me in prayer for Colombia as its new-found peace seems to be slipping away as quickly as it arrived. This means more potential danger for me while I'm there and it breaks my heart to think that Colombia hasn't seen the end yet.
More info at www.colombiatimes.com
Sunday, May 27, 2007
News Brief. Read all about it!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The 2-Mom Special!
Ok, its mother's day weekend. Last night we had my grandfather's memorial (the one who passed away in February) here in Atlanta. My grandmother is in town along with my uncle and cousin from AZ and a host of family from Tennessee and Florida. Of course my new not-so-mom was sitting beside me at the service and my sweet newly widowed grandmother was infront of me. (they were married for over 65 years) AND...we were at this great gathering of all those who knew my grandfather. That, in turn, means that most of them knew my mom Marie. It hit me ya know, I am so blessed: I've had two moms.
That may seem like a twisted way to look at it. And trust me, this phenomenon often has its difficulties. But not only have I been blessed with the beautiful qualities of Marie, I am also now being shaped by mom Patrice. For those who knew Marie, this can be hard to swallow. So think of it like this...Most of us go through life having one mom. Once we get to know her, well, we know her. Her personality doesn't change. It is unlikely that her opinions and viewpoints will change significantly. And though we know her well, and the relationship takes on different roles as we mature, we will still only ever have that one reference of "mom." What a blessing to know somebody so well. To have that steady person in your life through thick and thing. It is also, however, a tremendous blessing to have two experiences like that. Mainly because mom Marie and mom Patrice are so very different. Not only have they been present for two very different time periods in my life, but they have had two unique personalities, viewpoints, and strengths to enrich my life with.
Does this make sense? Those things that were present in my mom that have forever molded me, are things that Patrice does not carry. In the same light, the widsom that Patrice instills into my life is often a strength of hers that mom did not have. I have the benefit of being mothered by two very wise, God-fearing women. For this, I can only thank one person. My heavenly Father, in His infinate wisdom and planning, knew exactly what He was doing. Sure, it came at a very heeavy and painful price. But isn't it true that He does everything for a reason and that ALL, ALL, ALL things work out for the good of those who love Him and obey His commands. I pray sicnerely that you will be blessed this mother's day. Whether you are a mom, have a mom, or both...never under-value your place or your mother's. Love on her, be loved. Enjoy and cherish your moments together.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
*Keep on Keepin on*
Happy May to you! Summer is here and I'm just that much closer to my goal departure date. I've had a very busy few weeks regarding the support raising and team building. My dear friend Felice put together a support-raising party for me with my Latino family at New Birth and it proved to be such a blessing.
I also got to speak at the church that dad teaches at, God's Rolling Thunder, here in Woodstock during this past Sunday. My response there was equally as warm and the congregation is happy to be sending me as their first supported missionary from the church. An added blessing is that one of the members has built up hundreds of sky miles and is giving me a ticket to Colombia...and just in case that wasn't enough: it's 1st class! Wow. What a treasure!
Well, I'm just gonan keep on keepin on and continue down this adventurous road that God has me on. Thank you so much for keeping up with this site and for taking interest in all that is going on. Please, double please, keep me posted on the happenings of your life and any way that I might be in prayer with you about. Blessings!
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